Terms & Contitions
All You Need To Know
Terms & Conditions
Next Level Coaching powered by Swiss Ski School Engelberg (SET AG)
General, Scope of Application
These terms and conditions ("T&C") apply to all services provided by the NEXT LEVEL COACHING ("SET AG"), regardless of the way a contract is entered into (online, in writing or verbally). They are accepted as binding whenever a SET AG service offering is booked ("booking") by a client ("client"), whether for themselves or for third parties that will participate ("participants") in the service offering ("service"). By making a booking, the client confirms that the participants are aware of the T&C and also accept these.
Terms of participation
Clients and participants are obliged to obey the instructions given by activity managers at all times. If equipment is not provided by SET AG, they are obliged to bring their own fitting and appropriate equipment and clothing.
Good health is a precondition for participation in the services. Clients and participants are obliged to inform SET AG Engelberg in advance and in writing of any health problems, of pregnancy or similar, which could affect participation in the service. It is forbidden to participate in a service while under the influence of medication, drugs, alcohol, psychoactive medicines or suchlike.
Activity managers have the right to check equipment and state of health. Should a client or participant breach the terms of participation, the SET AG Engelberg or the responsible activity manager may exclude him/her from the activity at any time.
Conclusion of contract
When booking either on the spot or online, the purchase of a ticket for the service constitutes the forming of a contractual agreement. In all other cases (telephone, SMS, email etc.) approval of a reservation and the full scope of the service, including payment conditions, is given by way of a written service confirmation by SET AG, which is decisive for concluding the contract.
Scope of application
Services include everything specifically mentioned in the corresponding advertisement. Lift passes are not included. Group lessons take place from 3 people.
NEXT LEVEL COACHING determines deployment of the activity managers.
Services not mentioned are not included in the price and must be paid by the client or participant themselves. Further services may be subject to other or additional Terms and Conditions, even from other suppliers (for example for equipment rental).
Price and payment conditions
The prices published in the various advertisements for the services apply. SET AG reserves the right to change the advertised prices at any time.
Prices for participation in the service are to be paid by the client or participant before the first participation in the service. Non-payment or late payment are considered a breach of contract by the client according to these T&C, which, through non-adherence of deadlines, incur costs. For reservations which are not made online, an amount equivalent to the price of the service will be reserved as a guarantee on the credit card until such time as full payment is made.
Cancellation of the contract by the client
Cancellation of a booked service incurs costs in the following circumstances:
Coaching / Guiding:
Less than 72 hours before the start à 100% of the course price
Late arrival, early termination or departure of the client or participant, or exclusion or termination by SET AG due to breach of the conditions of participation give no right to a refund.
We recommend taking out cancellation insurance.
Cancellation by SET AG
In principle, our activity managers teach in any weather. Cancellation or termination of a service by SET AG can occur in the following circumstances:
When weather or snow conditions or other unforeseen incidents or risks make the practice of snowsports in general or the execution of a special service impossible. SET AG or the activity manager reserve the right to make this decision.
Services which have a minimum number of participants can be cancelled by SET AG up to one day or 24 hours in advance without compensation if the minimum number of participants is not reached. Instead of cancellation, SET AG has the right to combine groups or shorten instruction time.
Because of acts or omissions by clients and participants. Activity managers reserve the right to decide to cancel.
Payments associated with the service are only waived or will only be reimbursed due to cancellation or termination due to weather or snow conditions (a) or failure to reach the minimum number of participants (b).
Hindrance due to accident or illness
Payment of services booked by a client, which he/she or a participant cannot, or can only partially participate in due to an accident or illness, will only be reimbursed by SET AG on production of a local doctor’s certificate and in the form of a voucher (calculation: rate per missed day or half day).
SET AG accepts no liability for damage to clients and participants which occur before, during or after participation in the service, except if it has acted wilfully or with gross negligence. In particular, SET AG accepts no liability for indirect damage, excluding consequential damage or loss of profit.
Clients and participants are not insured by SET AG. Clients and/or participants are responsible for ensuring they have sufficient accident and personal liability insurance.
Data protection / visual images
SET AG uses personal data according to the applicable law. Further information about the use of personal data and data security can be found in the information Data protection when contacting us and making use of our services.
The client and participants consent that images recorded during the instruction or other SET AG events may be used and published without recompense by SET AG for its own purposes, especially marketing purposes. Withdrawal of this consent from SET AG is straightforward and can be made at any time (info@kiliweibel.com).
Applicable law, place of jurisdiction
All legal relations between the client and the organiser are subject to Swiss law, excluding any conflict of law principles.
All disputes arising from this contract shall have Engelberg (OW) as the sole place of jurisdiction.
Engelberg, September 2024